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Nominations and applications are now open for the National Leadership Awards and the ABP Leaders of the Year Awards. This competition is proudly sponsored by ABP Foodgroup and is run in association with Macra Agricultural Skillnet. The purpose of the competition is to promote and recognise the Young Leaders we have in Macra and acknowledge their volunteering efforts and the contributions they make into developing their local communities. This competition is open to those in Macra who hold County Officer positions. The objectives of the competition are as follows: To provide an incentive for the development of club and county programmes. To...

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This article is the second of a series of articles on mental health from our partner Turn2me  As a road user, be it a driver, cyclist or pedestrian you make a decisive contribution to ensure that you, and all other road users, get to your destination safely. Preventive road safety begins with you, as well as the provision of road safety practice both with equipment, vehicles, wearing high visibility material when out walking, cycling or motorcycling. In order to be able to work, walk, cycle and drive safely and accident-free, we must all be in line with road safety regulations. Society...

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Macra na Feirme has laid out its priorities for Budget 2022 which will lead directly to a stronger more progressive agricultural sector and a more progressive rural environment for young people to live and work. The focus is on both taxation and funding measures that will yield the greatest returns for young farmers. Macra na Feirme is also calling on government to honour their programme for government commitment in ensuring free access to contraception for women and girls aged 17-25. “Macra na Feirme members want to see positive change in this country and that change starts by investing in young...

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This article is the second of a series of articles on mental health from our partner Turn2me All too often we listen to this critical inner voice that disciplines us, is never satisfied and it can get really tough if we don’t catch it in time. Everyone has some negative self-talk but before the constant self-criticism becomes gruelling, we should start taking better care of ourselves.  We are all allowed to make mistakes, nobody has to be perfect. But we often judge ourselves with overly critical thoughts and inner negative self-talk. We activate our body's own threat system and trigger a stress reaction. We...

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This article is the first of a series of articles on mental health from our partner Turn2me Research with isolated populations such as soldiers, astronauts, and prisoners tell us that social skills can atrophy just like muscles that are not used. If you are isolated from other people for an extended period, you will end up feeling awkward, socially anxious, and unable to tolerate what used to feel mundane.  This isn’t a mental disorder; rather, it’s a collective experience of those who are isolated and it’s happening to everyone who has had a decreased level of social contact due to...

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